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How To Get the Most Out of Monyx Wallet’s Customer Engagement and Loyalty Solution

Monyx Wallet’s consumer engagement capabilities extend beyond digital payment. There are more retail-like features that can benefit each user. Let’s examine what else the app can offer consumers.

Monyx Wallet app - digital punch cards and other consumer engagement features that offer a retail-like experience to consumers of unattended machines


PUNCH CARDS – Promotes regular usage

This feature takes the well-known retail idea and digitizes it with digital punch cards. Consumers gain a free product after purchasing a certain number of products/services, which can be associated with a specific payment type.

No user registration or activation. The Nayax system keeps track of the punches for consumers, counting and registering the punches while the consumers are free to enjoy a free product without needing to do anything.

Results = more sales! With punch card campaigns some of our operators have seen cashless payments go up by 40%, and overall sales increase by 30%.

Customizable. Operators have the choice of 10 different punch packages they can offer consumers, with free marketing material such as stickers and machine crowns, available for use. The packages include 3+1 free, 4+ 1 free, 5+1 free, 6+1 free, 7+1 free, 8+1 free, 9+1 free, 10+1 free, 11+1 free and even 20+1 free options.

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GAMIFICATION – Cashback funded by Nayax

Adds an interactive element to the app. After a consumer buys a product, they can finish the experience with the Shake to Win feature. Consumers shake the screen and try fill a bottle with liquid to win cashback. This adds excitement and encourages user engagement as well as giving consumers the ability to win credit for future purchases. The amount won is funded by Nayax as a gift to operators.

TRACK PURCHASES – View buying history

This feature helps consumers stay on top of their spending. Consumers can look back on items they purchased and which payment methods were used. Additionally, customizable e-receipts can be sent to consumers, a feature available upon request of operators.

BONUS CREDIT – Sponsored by Nayax

This feature is for top-up cards found in Monyx Wallet. Consumers gain an extra 10% credit when they upload funds to the card. The extra credit is sponsored by Nayax as another gift to operators. The bonus credit encourages consumers to choose an operator’s machine over competition.


Find out more here.



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NAYAX no es una empresa que promueva inversiones y/o negocios multinivel.

Le informamos que nuestro equipo ha detectado un modo operativo de estafa a través de diversas páginas de internet, tales como y otras, las cuales utilizan de manera ilegal el nombre y marcas de NAYAX, con el fin de ofrecer al público un esquema de negocio multinivel*en el que supuestamente se generan comisiones a través de rentas de máquinas expendedoras de productos.

Lo anterior ha sido puesto en conocimiento de las autoridades correspondientes con el objeto de ejercitar acción penal en contra de quién y/o quienes resulten responsables.

Atentamente nos permitimos recordarle que NAYAX es una empresa de tecnología financiera que ofrece un sistema operativo y una plataforma de pago integrales para muchos minoristas.

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