Vending’s Mobile Revolution: Insights from Nayax’s CMO

“Mobile payment options for vending machines come with many benefits. And while there are many different solutions for operators to consider, all focus on the consumer experience.”

It is no secret that mobile payments are creating a revolution in the vending world. In this December 2014 Automatic Merchandiser article, Nayax CMO Karen Sharir shares some of her insights on the mobile revolution, and how Nayax aims to help companies increase their own brand awareness and sales. “We are trying to connect the operators with their consumers in order to help the operator bring in more sales and create more returning consumers that will choose the machine over other options,” said Karen Sharir, CMO at Nayax.

Nayax is beta testing a mobile wallet that can be branded with the vending operator’s company name and offer loyalty rewards. “It will be better because consumers will see the operator’s brand and be able to associate the machine with the company,” said Sharir. She sees mobile payments as growing rapidly over the next few years. “We see growth in cashless transactions around the globe from year to year and we will experience the same thing with mobile payments, one day replacing even credit and debit cards as the consumer’s preferred method of payment,” she said.

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