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How Telemetry Data Can Help You Reduce Machine Theft

To outsiders, it might seem that operating an unattended machine business is easy. All you have to do is sit back, and collect your money once a week. But how do operators deal with employee theft and cash accountability?

If you run a cash-only business, you need to collect the proceeds once a week or so. And if you have so many machines that you can’t collect the cash yourself, you rely on others to do that job for you.

In a perfect world, you wouldn’t have to think twice about someone collecting that money for you. You could be sure that you were getting every last cent.

However, we don’t live in a perfect world. Instead this might be what’s going on in your business…

You own a fleet of 100 kiddie rides, all located within a radius of 500 miles. Your employees make the rounds every few days to collect the take from these machines. That money gets deposited into your account. How do you know that $1 a week isn’t being skimmed off the top? And if that’s happening every week? And occurs on every machine? That’s over $5,000 you’re losing each year. And if the amount that’s being held back is $5 a week? Over $25,000 a year!

Cash accountability with Nayax makes you more productive

And if you have more machines? Or unlucky enough to have even more cash being withheld from you?

Now you might say you have a counter in the coin mech box, so you’re immune to this problem. But that’s a system that can easily be manipulated.

So how can you overcome this problem?

Go cashless today

Get Complete Cash Accountability with Nayax

Nayax’s cash accountability feature tracks and verifies cash collections. This lets operators compare the amount of cash due to be received, with the amount actually collected.

Using information gathered via telemetry relayed to Nayax’s Management Suite, Nayax Core (formerly known as NayaxVend), operators get a complete and full picture of all transactions, no matter how they’re paid for. And this information is provided for each individual machine. This ensures that you know at any moment, exactly how much cash you should be receiving from your sales.

Nayax gives you a greater sense of security about the operation of your business.

The cash accountability feature is only one of many features available in the Management Suite that can make a difference to your business. Want to learn more? Contact us today!

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NAYAX no es una empresa que promueva inversiones y/o negocios multinivel.

Le informamos que nuestro equipo ha detectado un modo operativo de estafa a través de diversas páginas de internet, tales como y otras, las cuales utilizan de manera ilegal el nombre y marcas de NAYAX, con el fin de ofrecer al público un esquema de negocio multinivel*en el que supuestamente se generan comisiones a través de rentas de máquinas expendedoras de productos.

Lo anterior ha sido puesto en conocimiento de las autoridades correspondientes con el objeto de ejercitar acción penal en contra de quién y/o quienes resulten responsables.

Atentamente nos permitimos recordarle que NAYAX es una empresa de tecnología financiera que ofrece un sistema operativo y una plataforma de pago integrales para muchos minoristas.

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