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UAE Hot Summer Campaigns

Now in the UAE!
Nayax Contactless Card Readers

Limited Time Offer – No Subscription Fees
 Until September 30th


Increase your unattended business' revenue

UAE Hot Summer Campaigns

Accept any cashless payment

Never miss out on a sale! With our Onyx contactless card reader, consumers can pay with their preferred payment method whether it be by card, NFC, a QR code, or with a prepaid card.
UAE Hot Summer Campaigns

Reduce operational expenses

Manage and optimize your machine’s activities, inventory, and more with our remote management app. Set up customized notifications and alerts to help you stay on top of your business anytime, anywhere.
UAE Hot Summer Campaigns

Save time

With plug & play installation, you can quickly and easily install your Onyx device on any new or existing machine. Our card readers are high quality and require minimal maintenance.
UAE Hot Summer Campaigns

Make data-driven decisions

Our integrated POS devices help track data about sales, customers, inventory, stock, and more, helping you make data-driven decisions.
UAE Hot Summer Campaigns

Increase customer loyalty

Increase customer returns with promotions, discounts, punch cards, and other marketing campaigns.
UAE Hot Summer Campaigns

Improve customer experience

With voice interaction in your language, up to two display languages, and an intuitive, color touch screen, Onyx will give your customers an improved, frictionless experience.

Get started now and pay
until September 30th!

The earlier you sign up
the more you save!

Contact us today

What our customers are saying about Nayax

Our mission is to empower retailers to navigate their trajectory by providing tools for growth and a management system to decrease their operational costs.

We help our customers
UAE Hot Summer Campaigns

Focus on their growth

by increasing their revenue and their number of satisfied customers to accelerate the overall trajectory of their business.
UAE Hot Summer Campaigns

Stay ahead of their
consumers' pace

by digitizing the consumers’ payments and giving them the flexibility to choose their preferred payment method.
UAE Hot Summer Campaigns

Manage their business
more easily

by giving them a comprehensive view of their operation on one holistic management platform.


NAYAX no es una empresa que promueva inversiones y/o negocios multinivel.

Le informamos que nuestro equipo ha detectado un modo operativo de estafa a través de diversas páginas de internet, tales como y otras, las cuales utilizan de manera ilegal el nombre y marcas de NAYAX, con el fin de ofrecer al público un esquema de negocio multinivel*en el que supuestamente se generan comisiones a través de rentas de máquinas expendedoras de productos.

Lo anterior ha sido puesto en conocimiento de las autoridades correspondientes con el objeto de ejercitar acción penal en contra de quién y/o quienes resulten responsables.

Atentamente nos permitimos recordarle que NAYAX es una empresa de tecnología financiera que ofrece un sistema operativo y una plataforma de pago integrales para muchos minoristas.

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