5 Tips to Personalize Your Unattended Offer

We tend to think of personalized shopping experiences as taking place in stores, with salespeople giving customers exclusive suggestions. However, the world of personalization is growing and changing quickly. With new ways of gathering data, you can now offer a personalized shopping experience at any business, even in the unattended retail world. See how you can create better experiences for your vending machine, laundromat, car wash, or other unattended business customers below. 

1. Who Are Your Customers? 

unattended retail customer engagement

The first step in personalizing your offer is getting to know your customers. What kinds of products do they tend to buy? Do they make more purchases on certain days or during certain hours? All of these questions and more can be easily answered when you use telemetry data that is synced with management software.  

Nayax‘s solutions use telemetry technology that gathers data in real time, and syncs it with Nayax Core, formerly known as NayaxVend, our management suite. With Nayax Core, you can easily generate reports that help you better understand your operation. You can generate reports per day, machine, location, or product, which gives you valuable data that helps you understand what your customers are looking for. 

2. Data Is King

Once you’ve gotten to know your customers and their spending habits, you need to figure out how to use this knowledge to your benefit. If you’ve discovered that Diet Coke sells better than regular Coke, you might order more Diet Coke next time you restock. These quick wins can greatly increase your sales as customers will have more access to their preferred products.  

By using Nayax Core, you can also create different campaigns and discounts for your customers that they can see in the Monyx Wallet app. Monyx Wallet is a digital wallet that allows customers to pay for products and services seamlessly at Nayax-powered machines. As an operator, you can control any promotions you offer your customers on Monyx Wallet via Nayax Core. Using the same software for all of your operations makes your life easier because you only need to learn how to use one tool. This also ensures that all data is synced, up to date, and accurate.  

3. Keep Your Customers Engaged

5 Tips to Personalize Your Unattended Offer

Offering discounts, promotions, and bonuses helps keep your customers engaged and incentivizes them to return. Loyal and returning customers can help you increase your sales by up to 30%. By using the data you’ve gathered through Nayax Core, you can easily set up, monitor, and optimize: punch card campaigns, top up bonuses, happy hour promotions, and other discounts that your customers will see in Monyx Wallet. Here’s how they work to help you keep your customers engaged and coming back for more.  

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Digital Punch Cards

Monyx Wallet offers digital punch cards, which allow you to set up special deals on your customer’s favorite products. For example, When a customer buys 10 products, they can get one for free, for example. You can set up these campaigns to be live during specific periods of time, at specific machines, or for certain products.  

“But what if my business offers services rather than products?” you may ask.  Don’t worry, you can still offer excellent punch card campaigns. If you own a laundromat, for example, you can offer 1 free dry with 10 washes! Or if you own a car wash, how about offering a free waxing with 10 washes? 

Top-Up Bonuses

Top-up bonuses are a great way to get customers to return. Customers can easily top up their cards in Monyx Wallet, allotting a certain amount of money for use in these environments. Offering them incentives to top up, such as a 10% bonus when they add $20 to their card or app not only gets more customers to use this feature, but gets them to buy more often. By giving them something small, you can capture them and ensure their loyalty. This is particularly useful in closed-loop environments, as your customer base is consistent.   

Happy Hour Promotions

Based on the reports you’ve generated through Nayax Core, you can easily understand when the most or least purchases are made, on average. This can help you plan happy hour promotions, incentivizing customers to make purchases during off hours to increase your sales.  


Gamification is a great bonus that keeps people engaged. Monyx Wallet offers a memory game and a “Shake to Win” game that gets customers to shake their phones after every transaction performed for the chance to win cashback.  

If you want more information about how to set up these campaigns within Nayax Core, you can check out our most recent Monyx Masterclass Webinar 

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4. Multi-Pricing

Personalization is more than just getting to know what your customers like to buy or providing them with incentives. It also means providing them with options and with the ability to choose. With the multi-pricing feature, you can do just that on your VPOS Touch or Onyx device. You can display up to 6 pricing options on the screen which provide your customers with a choice and can greatly increase your average transaction value (ATV).  

Let’s say you run a massage chair business. You can offer a 1-minute massage for $0.50, and a 5-minute massage for $2.00. Since the price per minute decreased in the 5-minute massage option, and $2.00 is such a small amount, most people are likely to choose the 5-minute massage. This feature is very useful for all pulse machines such as: kiddie rides, laundry machines, arcade games, car washes, and prize machines. Providing customers with the ability to choose makes them feel like they are receiving a more personalized offer, and incentivizes them to spend more, helping you boost your sales. See how our multi-pricing feature helped the Pelican Amusement business increase revenue by up to 350%. 

5. Great Customer Experience

5 Tips to Personalize Your Unattended Offer

Lastly, it is important to provide an excellent customer experience if you want customers to return. We all know that just one bad review can greatly damage a business, and when customers have a bad experience, they are less likely to return.  

So, how do you ensure that your customers enjoy their buying experience at your business? You want it to be seamless, frictionless, personalized, and you want them to feel listened to.  

With Nayax’s cashless payment solutions, customers can choose from over 80 different payment methods. This allows them to pay with their preferred payment method, enhancing their experience. Nayax also provides 24/7 customer service if there are any technical or other issues, the loyalty and engagement tools mentioned above, and the possibility to provide instant refunds through Monyx Wallet. These features all come together to provide a unique and positive experience for all customers, encouraging them to return.  

Get Started with Personalization

Think you’re ready to offer more personalization to your customers? Contact us today.



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