VPOS Touch by Nayax Enables Payment with QR Codes

Just one of the exciting features about Nayax’s new VPOS Touch cashless payment device is allowing payment with QR codes. This can be with a static or dynamic QR code, depending upon the mobile payment application that is used. Worldwide, mobile payment apps include WeChat Pay and Alipay, both widespread in China.

VPOS Touch payment with QR codesHowever, the QR code is not widely used in the US… yet.

QR codes were deployed by marketers to connect the offline/print world to the digital one. Advertisers include a QR code in a magazine advertisement, hoping that the readers will scan the code and be forwarded to a form to get more information, or perhaps, even to buy the product.

In the US and many other locations, they didn’t really catch on for a variety of reasons:

  • The need for a separate app to scan the code
  • Time consuming
  • Consumers not knowing what to do with a QR code

Unfortunately, the use of QR codes was never successfully developed to make this a popular method of communication. However, QR codes are seeing a new surge.

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This article discusses how QR codes will soon be used far and wide in the US.

This is because Walmart uses QR codes for Walmart Pay. Just due to this massive chain, payment with QR codes will become much more familiar to consumers.

And that familiarity won’t end when consumers see the opportunity to pay via a QR code at an automated machine. Whether it’s a vending machine, car wash, laundromat, photo booth, kiddie ride, or their office coffee machine, paying via QR codes will become an everyday occurrence.

Operators of unattended machines need to consider the evolving methods of payment. While the method of QR code payments might not have made inroads in their own personal payment usage, millions of consumers are becoming more and more comfortable with them.

Operators should look to the future and ensure that their cashless payment solution on unattended devices enable their consumers to use the payment method that best suits them.

And tomorrow, that just might be via the QR code.

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