Earn Commissions and Boost Your Business when You Become a Nayax Affiliate

Get up to a 15% commission on referred purchases

Affiliate Program

Why Become a Nayax Affiliate?

Get up to a 15% commission for each purchase made by a new customer that you referred to us.  
Nayax is a leader in the world of cashless payments. By partnering with us, you’ll benefit from the global awareness that comes with the Nayax name.
Our in-house marketing team constantly creates new and exciting materials that you can easily access and use for your own purposes as a certified partner.
Affiliate Program

How the Nayax Affiliates Program Works

Step 1: Sign Up

Join our affiliates program and be part of a community of content creators that help other business owners succeed with Nayax.  

Step 2: Advertise

Share the Nayax products you use along with tips and tricks about how to best use them and receive unique tracking links and a coupon code to share with other business owners. 

Step 3: Earn 

Earn up to 15% on every commission from qualifying purchases made by new customers referred to us by you. 


What is an Affiliate Program?  

Affiliate marketing helps businesses build relationships with customers via affiliates, who are the business’ customers but who also help promote the business’ products or services via published digital content (whether it be blogs, YouTube videos, social media, or more). When consumers purchase said business’ goods or services via your promotion, this counts as a referral and the revenue from this purchase is shared between you and the business.

Who Are Affiliates? 

Affiliates can be any content creators who use a specific company’s product or service and help promote it.

What Is a Commission Rate? 

Commission rates are typically based on a percentage of the total sale. In Nayax’s case, the affiliate commission rate can reach 15% of the total sale. For further details about Nayax’s commission rate structure, please contact our Affiliate Manager Liat at liath@nayax.com.

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