MoMa 2.0 – New Features

Stay up to date with MoMa’s latest features & see how they can help you operate your business more efficiently and profitably.

2 Machine’s DEX Read Logs & History Log – Making better decisions with more data.

We are proud to announce that we’ve added the option for you to see your machines’ DEX logs directly via MoMa 2.0. You can find this feature under the “machine’s logs” tab.  In the new DEX screen, you can see the list of the latest DEX reads, their details, and even the raw read data which you can also copy.

<span>2</span> Machine's DEX Read Logs & History Log - Making better decisions with more data.

With MoMa 2.0’s new “History” screen, you can see what has changed about your machines, when the changes were made, and who made them. This new screen allows you to stay on top of things and be in control of everything that happens to your machines. This log can be found under the “Logs” tab on the “Machine” screen.

<span>2</span> Machine's DEX Read Logs & History Log - Making better decisions with more data.


NAYAX no es una empresa que promueva inversiones y/o negocios multinivel.

Le informamos que nuestro equipo ha detectado un modo operativo de estafa a través de diversas páginas de internet, tales como y otras, las cuales utilizan de manera ilegal el nombre y marcas de NAYAX, con el fin de ofrecer al público un esquema de negocio multinivel*en el que supuestamente se generan comisiones a través de rentas de máquinas expendedoras de productos.

Lo anterior ha sido puesto en conocimiento de las autoridades correspondientes con el objeto de ejercitar acción penal en contra de quién y/o quienes resulten responsables.

Atentamente nos permitimos recordarle que NAYAX es una empresa de tecnología financiera que ofrece un sistema operativo y una plataforma de pago integrales para muchos minoristas.

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action / 9 - action, cancel, close, delete, exit, remove, x icon